The Area Studi of the Lega Nazionale delle Cooperative (Legacoop) produces, analyzes and provides the economic data on its member enterprises in Italy. It studies and promotes analyses and debates on the structural features and performance of the Legacoop cooperatives relative to their territorial area and sector. The Area Studi, with its partners in research, and in coordination with the Studies Center of the Alliance of Italian Cooperatives, provides, for its cooperatives and economic observers, analyses on Italian macro-economic scenarios and markets, on social trends and on the sectoral and territorial situation where their member cooperatives operate.

Through its regular publications, Legacoop’s Area Studi offers the means to understand the economic and social context in order to assist in drawing up the organization’s strategy.


The brief notes are an important information and study tool for the analysis, dissemination and fostering of thinking underlying the strategies taken by the cooperatives and Legacoop. They are regularly published highlighting the key features and specificity of the Italian cooperative movement.




The Area Studi draws up specific reports, developed in collaboration with the most authoritative research partners aimed at monitoring and studying in detail the main economic and social factors relevant to the cooperative world.

The reports are designed to provide Legacoop enterprises and regional and sectoral bodies with in-depth reference points, in terms of knowledge and analyses, necessary to deal with and interpret the different factors at play and the continuously changing scenarios.


For more than a decade, the economic balance has provided an original and detailed viewpoint on the Italian cooperative world. It is a tool revealing the sentiments of the member cooperatives holding important positions in their relevant markets and in their local communities. The economic balance is based on a flexible questionnaire carried out every four months. It is divided into three areas – forecasted balance, stocktaking balance and relevant factors – using a comparative approach.


The Area Studi produces and promotes, also in agreement with its partners and research and information networks, detailed writings on research on the main current issues and the analysis of factors of interest to the Italian cooperative movement.